Products > Setapor Thermal Insulation Plate
Thanks to its mineral-based structure, Setapor Thermal Insulation Plate is an A1 class non-combustible heat insulation material that provides fire safety. With 0.05 W/mK thermal conductivity value, Setapor Thermal Insulation Plate is a durable insulation system used in old and new buildings with superior insulation performance. Setapor Thermal Insulation Plate adds value to any building, old or new, being durable, non-combustible, light, and providing heat insulation and energy conservation. Thanks to its raw material that is not externally dependent, and which does not damage the environment, it is preferred for sustainable buildings. With boron and other components, it displays perfect pore structure and high bearing capacity.Setapor Thermal Insulation Plate

Setapor Thermal Insulation Plate has UTO Certificate
Setapor Thermal Insulation Plate, which is an innovative product with its formula developed with intensive R&D studies, has UTO (National Technical Approval) Certificate.

Inherent High Insulation Performance
With 0.05 W/mK thermal conductivity coefficient,
Setapor ensures insulation and improves energy efficiency of buildings.It builds comfortable living spaces with superior insulation performance.

Inherent Fire Safety
It is an A1 Class non-combustible material
AIt emits no toxic gases or smoke during fire.
Its structure does not deteriorate after fire.
It prevents fire from proceeding along the facade,
and saves lives by improving the fire safety of buildings.

Inherent Aesthetics and Practicability
With multiple uses, it offers solutions
for the insulation of facades, roofs, terraces and
car park ceilings of buildings with different characteristics (Residences, Shopping Malls, schools, etc.).
AIt is in harmony with the architectural aesthetics of the building, and does not restrain movement on the facade.

Inherent Innovation
Setapor is an utterly light and durable
new-generation product developed through
long-term R&D studies, having many small and
homogeneous pores thanks to its special technology.

Inherent Durability
It protects the thermal performance of the building throughout its life.
It is an inorganic and mineral-based building material
which does not contain bacteria or microorganisms.
It does not wear out in time due to external conditions,
and is not affected by sunlight.

Inherent Speed and Ease
With a structure that can be cut with a utility knife,
it provides speed to applications. Thanks to its high workability, it can be used by any
team capable of bricking and plastering.

Inherent Comfort
Thanks to its diffusion property and structure which is
able to naturally discharge moisture, it builds healthy living spaces with fresh air.

Inherent Strength
Thanks to the homogeneous structure composed of boron mineral and other components,
it is impact-proof.
Further, it does not rupture from the facade due to wind vacuum loads.

Inherent Conservation
It forms monolithic and smooth facades in all areas of application. Therefore, it prevents excessive plaster consumption. Preventing
heat losses on concrete surfaces, it saves
energy costs.

Inherent Environmental Sensitivity
Thanks to its insulation power, it decreases carbon emission.It does not contain radioactive and petroleum-derived materials.
It is preferred in Green Building projects with its environment-friendly properties.