Application and Support > Buıldıng Site Support

With a solution-oriented approach, STT Türk Gazbeton has aspired to provide its stakeholders with the best Aservices by means of monitoring its products at every stage.

STT Türk Gazbeton provides building site training in order to enable its stakeholders to benefit from the advantages offered by autoclaved aerated concrete in the best way.

STT Türk Gazbeton training is free of charge! To this end, STT Türk Gazbeton organizes training in your building site with an expert staff consisting of architects, engineers and technicians —all training is free of charge.

STT Türk Gazbeton Building Site Support consists of the following:
• Building Site Training,
• Building Site Practice Support,
• Product Promotion Support.

Training attended by on-site practice teams focuses on overcoming the teams’ informational deficiencies and guiding companies in terms of supervision.